With Dan LoRusso's passing, we do not know if his newer molds were ever going to be released, so we're stuck with repaints for a while, not that this is a bad thing. These are still being found at Target stores across the USA, and the Carnotaurus repaint is a nice view of the old, very hard to find Museum of Boston Carnotaurus. The nice eco-friendly packaging has a nice environment for the animal to stand in, and a fact file on the back as well as Dan's signature.
This mold, made in 1997 or so still holds up today. It is a very nice dinosaur mold. It is hard to argue that the color scheme they chose for this repaint is a little bit dull...If you look at it closer you will get a better impression as with all things in life. It really isn't bad, and I love the little patch of red on the neck.
The classic tripod pose may annoy some, but keep in mind that this was made in 1997, and that even by today's standards, it is not a bad dinosaur. For $8 it's worth every penny, especially if you never owned the old one. It is very nicely detailed. To this day I haven't met a Carnotaurus I didn't like.
For its size and price, it is a well worth museum quality dinosaur figure, and if you are a Dan LoRusso fan, even more so. All Battat dinosaurs are in scale with one another, and they are in scale with Carnegie dinosaurs...at least before they started screwing up the scale as they ran out of dinosaurs to make that were between 5 meters to 10 meters long.
Naturally, I prefer the old coloring better! I will review the original figure at some later date. As you can see they are identical.
Personally I think they complement one another and I tend to pretend that they are from different tribes or different sexes, who knows. These are currently on sale at Target stores, and I have noticed a price reduction, so I highly recommend you find them now before it is too late!
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