JW HM Target Excl. Indominus rex
Hero Mashers! Ask anyone who knows me on social media and I kept calling these "a waste of plastic". I've never cared about Hasbro's Hero Masher figures, and I've often compared them to Bionicle ripoffs, and believe me when I tell you I used to be BIG into Bionicle back in the day...still am with the old stuff. But anyways, I love store exclusives and when I saw the Indominus rex on clearance at Target, I just HAD to have it. And bow was I impressed. THIS TOY IS FUN! Isn't that what toys are supposed to be anyways? It's just...really really cool. They all should be an absolute delight for kids. Now, while I am reviewing these late and most of them are on clearance bins and hitting discount stores, if you are a parent and wanna get your kids fun dinosaur themed toys with building properties, don't hesitate to buy these! They are easy to get out of the package and you'll be playing with them in no time.

When you open them, only one side is built, the other parts are scattered on the plastic innards. Interestingly enough this is the only Hero Masher toy with instructions that I have encountered, and they highlight the...wait where have I seen this JW light thing before? I sense a trend here. But more on that in a bit. Let's build it!

That's a good lookin' toy right there! It has these sort of robotic aesthetics, so that's why I decided it belonged in my dino collection, though I have nowhere to put it...

Pointing the light at its back reveals these hexagonal patterns. Looks good doesn't it?
Pushing the little spike buttons on the back of the neck will cause its jaw to open! Rawr!

Indominus can be posed in a variety of ways, and THIS is what makes it so fun. Very rarely do we get super poseable dinosaurs on the market!

Now, I inverted the main body and switched the parts so the head would be where the tail was originally at, and I feel it looks better. Anyways, this is a great toy, it's a great exclusive and now I'm hooked and hunting these down. There's a normal Indominus rex with other parts available, but I do not know if it lights up as this one does. I'll have to hunt it down now. The joints to feel kind of fragile and are really tight, especially when turning in 360 degrees. I already noticed stress fractures, so be careful. Highly recommended for young kids!