I have been waiting 10 years or so for this moment! New Battat dinos! This new batch is sculpted by Dan LoRusso, and are sold only in US Target stores under the name Terra. It's a small dino, around 6in long or so. The packaging is made of recycled materials and boy am I impressed with the packaging.
Sorry for the bad picture, but the back of the packaging gives a description of the dinosaur.
The interior of the packaging features a fold up diorama depicting some sort of arid terrain, so you can display your dinos in the packaging. Fancy!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. For the time being, four of these are being offered: Cryolophosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanshiungosaurus, and Dacentrurus. Elvis here features a neural walking and looking to the side pose. Surprisingly he can balance on his own two feet with the tail lifted off the ground. This is a sharp contrast with most other "Tripod" stance theropods. The colors are amazing. This figure is incredibly detailed. The pictures simply don't do it justice. I know some think that Battat dinos are overrated, but I have always held them in high esteem and prefer them over Carnegie dinosaurs. Back in '98 when I first found Battats, I was very impressed at their level of detail. Dan LoRusso really did a good job on these.
"I'm lookin atchoo!"
Here Cryolophosaurus is compared to Dilophosaurus (the second version) from the original Battat line. Final thoughts: GET THEM NOW! A review will never do it justice. This awesome dinosaur figure belongs in every true believer's collection!