$25 later and I get the most awaited figure in the less than perfect Jurassic World line. Owen Wilson, the "Alpha" finally shows up as the only Jurassic World figure (the tiny 2 inch ones don't...don't count) depicting a movie character. Blue is just a rehash of Velociraptor blue. *sigh*
The Owen is so tiny, Blue looks HUGE next to it. I really dislike 3 and 3/4th inch tall humans being included in a Jurassic Park line because they are just...tiny and not compatible with Kenner's superior Jurassic Park humans and accessories. The rehashed blue doesn't even come with the cannon and net missile from before, but it does have a glow in the dark pattern that is activated by shining the ultraviolet light included, which is reminiscent of the light up features that came with the Target exclusive toys. The lantern is shaped like a real lantern and it can be held by Owen, though it is a bit large for him. The lantern has a molded clip on the bottom, and it feels like it should attach to something...again, another half-butted attempt by Hasbro to give us overpriced figures and lame features.
The bike is a rehash of an Indiana Jones bike, which looks good. It's probably the best thing from this set. It works great with any figures in the scale. Owen, on the other hand...he can't hold his rifle right, the elbow articulation feels really weak, and his head sculpt makes him look like Shawn Ashmore AKA Iceman. Chris Pratt was the one who made that realization, by the way.
He's as tall as a GI Joe figure, taller than a Star Wars figure, and shorter than a Kenner figure. I really have no idea what to do with this figure. Maybe he'll go on to hanging out with Multiverse Batman or join GI Joe, but he's definitely not gonna hang out with Mudloon, Ellie and the gang. Couldn't they just kitbash a GiJoe to at LEAST give it better articulation? I can't believe that all the 3.75 inch tall figures in that picture have better articulation than Owen except for the JPIII helicopter pilot. The arm articulation is actually kind of weird. Also...
Why does mine have a huge brown spot on his forehead? Freaking pathetic. What a letdown. I'll try to clean it off. Any suggestions? Alcohol? Nail Polish removal?
Those raptors are huge. It doesn't work. It just doesn't. Hasbro can and should do better. The splotch on the face was too much.
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